9 thoughts on “>PINT: Starbucks & Poop= A Good Time

  1. >I haven't pooped in the poopy pot in two whole poopy days. So I need a poop colored coffee drink to help me poop because all these poopy pants told me that pooped colored Starbucks drinks helps you to poop in the poopy pot. I'm sure like to take poops at Starbucks. I bet they have a excellent poopy pot. :o)-The Poopy McNeedtoPoop Pooper

  2. >oh my, when I read your blog, I about pooped my pants. And then when I saw that Starbucks was involved, another round of poop. You better believe I will be pooping um I mean popping over here ever day to leave a poopy comment.

  3. >I don't know what poop has to do with Starbucks but I do know that if I drink enough of their coffee which is like one sip, I have to poop. Never fails. I'm pretty certain there's laxative in there, but it must be a mild one cause it's never one of those nasty explosive poops that makes you feel like you raped the toilet. Oh poop.

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