>Writers Workshop: Ode to Fall

>Mama's Losin' It

Ode to Fall
Crisp, spicy scents in the air
Chilly mornings, warm afternoons
Hearth fires creating black swirls in the sky
Painting the world in hues of red, yellow, and gold extraordinaire.
Witches, goblins, and costume play
Back to school, sunflowers, mini scarecrows
Hands clasped in thankful togetherness over prayer
Dance classes and Pumpkin Spice Lattes.
Football, tailgates, and warm apple pie
Christmas shopping, and visits with Claus
Pumpkin patch treasures, buckets filled to the brim
Days of harvest that fly right by.
Three cheers I give to the coming of Fall
Goodbye to sweet Summer, Not Yet to Jack Frost
These are just a few reasons why
You are the best season of all.

Prompt #5: 10 reasons why you’re glad it’s Fall. (okay, I went overboard…)

Don’t forget to call me a liar and place your best guess on today’s 2 Truths & a Lie.  Join in the fun and link up, too!

Next week is a very special week. I have 6 special guests lined to help me with my Raising Awareness *Special Needs* Blog Week next week. Grab a button on Sunday to show your support. I’m excited!

>2 Truths & a Lie Thursday: My Favorite Things


Welcome! Tell 2 truths and a lie and make us guess which is the lie.
You’ve played this game before, so why not join The Scoop on Poop and CA Girl every Thursday by:
1. Grabbing the handy little button on the sidebar
2. Posting your 2 truths and a lie
3. Link up
4. Reveal your lie the next week!
5. Visit others who link up and leave a comment guessing their lie.
It’s that easy!! You know you want to play!! Link up today!!
Last Week’s Fact or Fiction
 1. My favorite food of all is pasta.
TRUE. I am a pastaholic. I eat it every day in some form. It is a main staple in my life.

(Google image

2. My favorite cereal is Froot Loops.

 FALSE. Nancy C., Mommakiss, and gringationcancun were correct. While I enjoy Froot Loops from time to time, it’s not my favorite cereal. It is Scooby’s current favorite, though.
(Google image)

3. My favorite ice cream flavor is Ben & Jerry’s Coconut Seven Layer Bar.

TRUE. I do love coconut that much. If you have not tried this, you need to run down to your local Ben & Jerry’s and try it, Right now. I’m telling you, it’s THAT delicious. Who could resist coconut ice cream with coconut & fudge flakes, walnuts & swirls of graham cracker & butterscotch….
Boston Cream Pie on the Left, Coconut 7 layer bar on the right. 
(google images)


2 Truths & a Lie
1. Scooby’s favorite places to go are “Mac-Donal” or “da Maw”. 
2. Jellybean loaded up her after school schedule with Jazz, Art & Hip Hop.
3. I’ve added website design to my list of things I design.

Can you tell the truths from the lie?
List your truths & lies and link up here and over at CA Girl’s place. I can’t wait to play!!